1. “My advice is, forget the rest, Paul Wong’s the best. We had a three bedroom home unit to sell: it was modern, five minutes from Epping Station, bright and airy with windows on three sides and a view to the horizon. Everybody said it was lovely, very saleable. We chose an agent with a good reputation in the area and thought it would be sold within a month. But months went by. There were many open houses and quite a few very low offers but nothing went any further. We couldn’t understand why and couldn’t elicit any reason from the agent. They tried dropping the price and still no result. It was time to make a change. We called Paul, we knew him to be a man with a wonderful reputation and a determined nature. It was now MID NOVEMBER and the unit had been on the market SINCE JUNE…. It needed a determined effort because we wanted it sold before Christmas. Paul PUT THE PRICE UP! Erected a new sign, held an open house and within two weeks had a buyer at a great price. We’re so happy. My advice is, forget the rest, Paul Wong’s the best.”

    — Barbara Moore – Essex St Epping